Shared Items from Blogroll

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bye-bye Hanukkah

Okay i failed miserably.  I had planned to write all the entries ahead of time and schedule them to post at sundown each day.  I got behind in writing and then all of a sudden i missed a day.  At that point, i didn't care because it was Christmas Eve, and i had a sick husband and full schedule.  We didn't go to his family function that night, so we had to squeeze in a short visit in between Christmas morning at home and Christmas afternoon at my mom's.  We were going to get there at 1, but then i changed it to three so we could have lunch, but i forgot Nathaniel parents were going to my mom's for dessert.  So we skipped lunch (just stopped by and said hi at his uncle's house), but still ended up getting to my mom's at three because of traffic and leaving our house late.  I got Nathaniel Halo 3 laser tag, and of course we had to try it out. 

Friday we went to my grandma's and saw my aunts, uncles, and
Painting sometimes captures from bad life or times
 cousins.  There were latkes there, so i still had some, but i never got around to making them. I bought the mix that same day. Not sure how i thought i would make some before Hanukkah ended anyway. Oh, and let me see if i remember this all: has anyone seen a camera?  It was last seen at uncle Kevin's, but maybe uncle Joe's.  It could be in the parking lot, but it's NOT in the car.  Dang it, i think i got the uncle's names wrong, but let me know if you find it, okay?  There is a picture of Lizzie before her winter formal on there.

This weekend we went to San Diego because Nathaniel won a hotel stay at a banquet last year (didn't think he'd be using it). It expired today so we had to use it.  It was for Ayres, most of which are in our area.  The only one any significant drive away was in Alpine, 30 minutes outside of  SD.  So we stayed there and went to the Rueben H. Fleet and Aerospace museums.  That was a lot of fun, except at the end of the second one, because there was a Star Trek exhibit (costs extra, and we aren't fans) next to the Great War exhibit, so there was this annoying tinkling sound while i was trying to read about the Red Baron.  Didn't quite fit the mood.

Yesterday i had to work, and didn't leave until 6:15p, at which point Hanukkah was over.   So there are my excuses.  Right now Nathaniel is at a test for a job.  Hopefully he gets it because then not only will we have a 2nd steady income, but also health insurance!  Yeah, we have some now, but each through our parents, so it could be taken away anytime.  That reminds me, i need to work on adding him to my auto insurance.  The people are slow to respond to email, and this is the only day i have to call during business hours.  I always forget/don't have time during lunch.

In addition to laser tag, we also got a couple party games and a PS2 for Christmas, so i think we need to have a gamenight soon.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Gospel Call

The Gospel, or Outward, Call is the outward proclamation of the Gospel. It is for all, regardless of nationality, gender, class, etc. It is not to be confused with the Effectual, or Inward, Call, which we will talk about on Day 4. A person can hear the gospel call, yet never hear the effectual call. A person cannot hear the inward call without first hearing the outward call.

Essentially, the goesepl call consists of establishing the truth of man's fallen nature, of telling the existence of a savior in Jesus's perfect life, death on a cross, and resurrection, and a request to repent. God uses men to carry forth the gospel call, but that doesn't mean man has any hand in salvation, since a person can hear the Gospel (many times, even) and never be saved.

Well, i sort of already talked about this in the introduction and i've been really busy, so today's post is going to be really short, but here is a recipe for potato latkes. I never got around to making them the other day.

2 cups peeled and shredded potatoes
1 tablespoon grated onion
3 eggs, beaten
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 cup peanut oil

  1. Place the potatoes in a cheesecloth and wring, extracting as much moisture as possible.
  2. In a medium bowl stir the potatoes, onion, eggs, flour and salt together.
  3. In a large heavy-bottomed skillet over medium-high heat, heat the oil until hot. Place large spoonfuls of the potato mixture into the hot oil, pressing down on them to form 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick patties. Brown on one side, turn and brown on the other. Let drain on paper towels. Serve hot!

For further study, please listen to Our World Fallen and Our World Redeemed by Flame.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

(Happy Hanukkah!) Election/Predestination

I'm going to try my hand at potato latkes tonight.  I saw a box mix at the store and might just end up going that route.  I don't really have the time required to make them from scratch.  >.<  Cheaper this way.  Even easier, but definitely not cheaper OR healthier and probably not kosher, would be to go ot Krispy Kreme.  Doughnuts (soufganiot) are another traditional Hanukkah food, believe it or not!  Everything's fried, because it's all about the oil.  Oh, now you're interested.  ;)

I normally find election and predestination separated in Ordo Salutises, but that gives me nine parts, and I only need eight.  They've always seemed like synonyms to me anyway.

God created the universe world and man.  Man sinned.  God sent His Son to live a perfect life and die for those sins, blameless Himself.  By grace, some are awoken from their sin and called to repentence.  They then repent, believe, and are granted eternal life.  This is not the work of the human at all, but completely grace and the work of God.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one goes to the Father except through Him.  (John 14:6)  This means understanding man's fallen nature and the need for a savior, what Jesus did, and repenting of one's own sins and following Jesus.  Only then can one have assurance of eternity in Heaven.  The best part?  The assurance.  Since it's all God's work and all grace, you don't need to freak out about how bad your were, thinking you can lose your salvation.  Instead, you repent and ask for grace.  Sin isn't something that is going to go away in this life.

I'm not bunny trailing.  It's great because when God is immutable, or unchanging.  When He decides He wants to do something, He does it.  So He decided He wanted to save some from Hell.  Many people have a problem with this, that God only saves some and not all, even going as far to say it isn't fair.  You want fair?  Try Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."  God is just, so fair is to punish sin with its due punishment: death.  Christ paid that debt.  But not for all!  He only elected some.  Why some and not all, we don't know, but we should be thankful that it is ANY.  Some people get sad about this (although I bet the same people wouldn't mind Hitler, Hussein, and their least favorite high school classmate going to Hell), but it would be diminushing God's deity if He let some slip in a "side door" in Heaven because they never heard the gospel even though they have unpunished sins.  When someone is saved, they are covered with the blood of Christ and deemed righteous, worthy of eternal Life, but only because they are in Christ.  It is nothing they themselves did.  So it isn't a pride thing, because if someone is "proud" to be a believer and develops an us vs them mindset, then maybe they aren't really saved, but it's more of a culture thing.

I promise I'm on the same track as the post title tells.  I mentioned election.  Now what about predestination?  Well, God determined all events before the beginning of time.  He doesn't change His mind and He doesn't wait for advice from us, the clay.  This is what i was getting at by saying God is immutable.  He decided He was going to do this, and it was and will be done.  Many people think that Jesus died for ALL and is waiting for them to accept Him.  If this is the case, then salvation is possible for all but definite for none, as oppososed to the fact that it is definite for the elect.  It is only logical that all will be saved or the elect will be saved.  We've already seen that Jesus is the only way to Heaven, so the former is clearly not the case.

You can see shadows of this in the Old Testament.
  • Only Noah, his family, and select animals were saved when God flooded the earth.
  • When the high priest offered the "big sacrifice," it was still only for the 12 tribes of Israel.
  • Israel was God's chosen people out of all the world.  This was the physical people group of Israel.  With Christ's Atonement, it has been limited to only the spiritual Israel, but also extended to the entire physical world.
  • At Passover, only those with blood on their doors and following the other guidelines were spared the death of their firstborn son.
Here are plenty of examples of limited atonement in the Old Testament that nobody (not literal, because i don't know) is contesting.  Yet when this concept is fulfilled in the New Covenant, all of a sudden everybody has a problem with it.  It doesn't sit right, but at the same time, it's wonderful if you focus on the free gift God gives out of love.  If you are saved, you can understand this.  It...makes you speechless when you stop and really try to comprehend what it means for God to save a wretched sinner.  Sin and depravity must really be understood first before grace can be understood.  Without that, election and predestination does seem like foolishness.  It's not, though, and to say so is just showing the foolishness of your own heart.

Okay, so i did not go in the direction I had intended.  So sue me, it's a blog, i never promised any groundbreaking theological essays.  I'm just finding my own way to celebrate Hanukkah.

For further study, please check out the following resources:
Now go be festive and deep fry something, kay?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hanukkah:Fulfilled! 2008 - Ordo Salutis

Wow, Hanukkah and Christmas are really creeping up on me.  The month has been flying by so fast.  At the same time, it seems like such a long time since Thanksgiving.  Yet, here we are five days away from Hanukkah and nine days away from Christmas.  I decided that each year I am going to do a different series for Hanukkah.  I already have the next few topics picked out.  ^__^  This year I have chosen Sotierology.

Why Soteriology?  Hanukkah is a celebration of Light over Darkness!  Also, as I have stated in my previous post on the subject, it commemorates the rededication of the Temple after desecration.  The temple was shadow of our own bodies, and i'm paralleling rededication to salvation.  The temple was already God's, as we were from eternity, but then sin desecrated our standing.  Then God redeemed us.  That just happened the one time and no rededication of our lives is necessary.  It's an ongoing sanctification and faith.  Just as the Jews don't rededicate the Temple every Hanukkah (that i know of), we can
commemorate the atonement.  I figure the most natural way to do this in a blog for Hanukkah would be to go the route of the Ordo Salutis and post one component each day.

So check back on Sunday evening for my post on election & predestination.  Don't be confused if you thought that the first day of Hanukkah is the 22nd, because it is.  By the Hebrew calendar, the days are from sundown to sundown.  So Hanukkah starts at sundown on the 21st (making the first day the 22nd) and ends at sundown on the 29th.  The first day is always 25th Kislev, but the Hebrew calendar doesn't align with the Gregorian (ours) exactly so that's why it's seemingly jumping around from year to year.  Speaking of years, it's 5769 according to the Hebrew calendar.  Didn't your history teacher teach you about all that Y5K hype going on in Israel in 1238?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Acid Reflux

Sorry for the abundance of ad-sy posts recently, folks. I just like to tell people about good deals or causes when I hear about them. I'm working on some more substanstial posts but in the meantime, i've got somewhat of an update.

Last week i woke up feeling sick but i knew i couldn't be pregnant (good thing, we can barely afford ourselves right now!) so i called in to work and went to the doc (on Nathaniel's urging, not my idea). She prescribed me medicine, gave me fact sheets, and told me to go on a acid-reflux diet for two weeks. At first it didn't sound so bad, but MAN i didn't realize how necessary some foods are, and how attached to others i am. Or just how long two weeks really is.

I can't have anything acidic, caffeinated, chocolate, fatty, or greasy. Also not most dairies. That pretty much left me with rice and bread. What made it worse was that we had just done a big grocery shopping two days prior. With coupons in one hand, Target gift cards in the other, and a sharp eye, we packed the cart with great deals. For food that included Candy Cane holiday milk (oh, peppermint is also out), Chocolate Mint Truffle (which i just realized i didn't use a coupon for grrr) creamer, Chocolate Truffle (see a pattern?) Folgers (we're not Folgers fans, but it was on sale, so we'll give this line a try) Gourmet Selections coffee, shredded cheddar cheese, pasta sauce, chocolate (is it real chocolate, though?) cereal, and other stuff i can't (don't want to) remember.

One day last week my coworker brought doughnuts. They were surprised i didn't eat any. Hey, even though i didn't do well in school, i do stick to things. It wasn't easy with them sitting out in the open with that sweet smell wafting up at me when i walk by, but i am rather proud of myself in resisting the temptation. What was even harder was a wedding that i went to Saturday. The pre-dinner snack was coffee, lemonade, chips, and salsa. The last three of which i could tell was homemade. People kept raving about them. I only had one chip but i wonder if i could've had more. I mean, i'm pretty sure they were baked. I hated having to ask the servers what everything was, and then later picking through my food with my husband sitting next to me eating like i wanted to. Then the cake was chocolate and many people at the table got coffee as it started cooling down. ::sigh:: Not as bad was agape feast on Sunday. We had lunch before church and weren't going to go, but i ended up staying. I was still full from lunch so i didn't even have to bother picking out what i can and cannot eat.
Speaking of lunch, i had a soup and salad (and bread-corn, even though the garlic looked soooo good) combo. I thought that would be easy, until the waitress asked me what type of dressing i wanted. Oops, can't have Ranch. I opted for the French. I didn't know what's in it, but figured it to be lower-fat than the others, all of which i know i couldn't have (or want, in the case of honey dijon). It was actually pretty good, and it was at that moment i realized i should look at the bright side of this diet: a chance to try something new. I'm not stubborn or too picky, but if i know what i like, i'm not going to try something else. Same with milk. I am somewhat lactose-intolerant and also vie for the 2%. I swear against whole, 1%, non-fat, and soy. Nathaniel thought it would be a good idea to get me Silk Very Vanilla Soymilk for my cereal, and he was right! She likes it! Hey Becky!

Still, don't think i'm going to give up coffee, salsa, or chocolate anytime soon. Tuesday, i'm having Mint Chocolate Truffle Chocolate Truffle coffee, chocolate cereal, tuna (oh yeah, that's out too) salad, and pasta. I'm starting to grow weary of my consumption of apples, applesauce, and apple juice, the one (three) thing on my safe list that i like-like and not just not dislike. Maybe after that i'll try to keep it easy, because it's not like keeping away from certain foods will make my body like them any better. I'll just stop ignoring it as much from now on.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mid-Week PSA's

Dear Readers,

I'm writing to let you know about a terrible piece of legislation called "The Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA).

FOCA would establish the right to abortion as a fundamental right (like the right to free speech) and wipe away every restriction on abortion nationwide.

It will eradicate state and federal abortion laws the majority of Americans support and prevent states from enacting protective measures in the future.
  • FOCA will do away with state laws on parental involvement, on partial-birth abortion, and on all other protections.

  • FOCA will compel taxpayer funding of abortions.

  • FOCA will force faith-based hospitals and healthcare facilities to perform abortions.
Please read the expert analysis by Americans United for Life (AUL) and sign the Fight FOCA petition at:

Thank you,

Let's help each other out!

As a DSL Extreme client, I know firsthand they provide the ULTIMATE Internet experience. From their ultra fast and reliable DSL connection to their award winning technical support, DSL Extreme is truly superior. Being a DSL Extreme customer has its rewards – like getting free service just for spreading the savings to my friends and family. In fact, every time I refer a friend who joins the DSL Extreme, well both get up to a $20.00 credit towards our DSL Extreme service.

It is a reliable service for only $24.95/mo. Let me know if you want to sign up and i'll send you an email. Or just go sign up and make sure to put kdforever as your referrer on the order form. Just please don't be like Nathaniel's dad and sign up without mentioning us at all. ::sigh:: If you use cable, make the switch to the faster DSL today! If you still use dial-up...first, sorry. Second, now is the perfect time to awake from the dark ages. Here's to a new age of Youtube and Hulu!

Also let me know if you want to sign up for (i've gotten $190 in gift cards so far) or ING Direct, who have higher interest rates (the good kind that earn you money) than most banks and NO FEES. Of course, both of these have sign-up bonuses for both you and I, so what are you waiting for!?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

HBEF Barnes & Noble Bookfair

I don't know where i'm buying my book (Tales of Beedle the Bard) yet. It's cheaper from Walmart or Target if they have it in stock, but it seems you can only order online from there, which makes BN or Borders the better choice. This isn't just for HP merch though. If you plan on doing any shopping at BN soon, why not take note of this number and help out a non-profit while your at it?


Make this a Very Harry Holiday by supporting the HPEF (Harry Potter Education Foundation) Beedle Bookfair at Barnes & Noble!

Are you planning to buy a copy or twelve of The Tales of Beedle the Bard this holiday season? Wait! Be sure you get your Beedle from a Barnes & Noble store between Thursday, December 4th (the release day for the new book by JK Rowling!) and Wednesday, December 10th using the HPEF Bookfair voucher. In fact, make all your holiday book, CD, and DVD purchases during the Bookfair dates! Every B&N purchase made then and using the voucher or the HPEF number of 352096 will have a portion of the proceeds donated back to HPEF to continue our literacy endeavors.

So how can you help? Go to any Barnes & Noble from December 4-10, 2008. Shop in the store for anything, that's right, ANYTHING.* Take all your items to the cashier, and give them the voucher or Bookfair number before you pay. After you've made your purchase, take your items home, and know that you just helped HPEF. And if your B&N has a Café, use the voucher for those lattes and scones you get. Every penny helps.

You can double your giving. Every B&N has a Holiday Book Drive. When you come into your store, select a book to purchase and donate to their Book Drive recipient and use the Bookfair voucher. One purchase helps HPEF and a child in your community. See a bookseller in your local store for details.

It's really that easy. Every single purchase you make during our Bookfair helps. It's your gift to us without having to worry about what's on our wish list. Make the gift even better by forwarding this email and information on to everyone you know…family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, other HP fans, and anyone else you can think of. You don't have to be a part of HPEF to make a beneficial Bookfair purchase, and you don't have to buy just HP titles. Anyone can buy anything to help. It's such an easy way to help in these tough economic times.

Want to know more? Need a voucher? Visit our page here for further details and a full FAQ. In advance, thank you for your support, and a very safe and happy holiday season to you and yours.

Heather French
HPEF Bookfair Liaison

*Ok, there's a few exceptions…no gift cards, textbooks, magazine subscriptions, or membership fees will apply to the Bookfair. But, really, anything else helps!


So what are you waiting for? Get down and buy some books and help people out! It's a win-win situation. I mean dude, it even covers the drinks. That's awesome.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Secret Sale 2 of 3

I got Nathaniel a calendar from Walmart for his birthday (Used image at right for May).  Not sure if this one is the same,  but i was able to put pictures on the days even.  You can pick different layout and themes and customized messages on days, such as for birthdays and anniversaries.  This is a good deal if you are big on personalized greeting cards and/or gifts.

FREE CALENDAR (a $20 value) on orders of $50 or more.
Order by November 30, 2008.
Enter code SECRET2 in your shopping cart.

*Offer is valid for a free 12-month calendar. Qualifying orders do not include any prepaid or membership plans, gift certificates, film mailer bundles or orders placed for in-store pickup. Discounts, promotions or awards cannot be applied to purchase made from Shutterfly Pro galleries. 

Many other items are on sale for up to 50% off and free shipping* through the 3rd.

Free Shipping applies to orders of $25 or more. Enter special offer code SHIP25 at checkout. Offer ends December 3, 2008.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

I am not a fan.  Well, i'm a fan of sales, but today has been a crazy day, i finished my shopping before 9a.  I did all my shopping on 
and i wish i could go into more detail on the great deals i snagged, but i can't for obvious reasons.  Although, i wish i had added more to my cart last night.  I did a lot of browsing and figuring out and only added something when i knew that's what i wanted.  However, i found that the selection had drastacly dropped.  For example, last night it says that thousands of DVDs were on sale starting at $4.99.  This morning it said hundreds.  Now it's over 200 starting at $4.99 and 122 available starting at $8.49.  I am happy with the selection though.  Besides the site being a little buggy, it was an overable enjoyable experience and i was happy to avoid the crowds...or so i thought.

I had actually already encountered crowds the night before.  We were out of milk so i stopped at Albertson's on my way home from work.  I had a hard time finding a spot, which should've been a red flag to go home.  I go inside and there are people everywhere, and i was looking for an ad and didn't find one (there was a coupon in it that if you buy four Kellog's cereal, you get a free gallon of milk).  So i go home and we just had ramen for dinner.  I couldn't deal with it.  I found the ad we got in the mail under my desk, where i placed it for "safe keeping."  Sure enough, i found the coupon in it, but it had expired yesterday.  We still need milk.  Today i stopped at Target on my way home from a bridal shower (i'll get back to this) and in the middle of shopping, Nathaniel calls and asks where i am (he's at work) because our landlord was at our place in response to a complaint about the hard water (nasty deposits on everything but they don't want to buy a water softener).  He asks if i even have a Target gift card...oops.  I put the milk back and left the cart.  I was parked pretty far away and had to go back through the mall.  I knew i should've put off Target until after i got home.  So that's twice i had to fight crowds for no reason.

Make that thrice.  Or two and a half times?  I stopped at Macy's this morning in between getting my hair cut and the bridal shower.  I was later getting to the salon than i had intended, but i got out at 11a so i was still making good time.  If i already had a gift, i would've been on time.  But i had put it off, so i stopped at Macy's in Fashion Island and all that took an hour just for a muffin pan.  The thing is, we have a Macy's right by us.  It's what i parked by when i went to Target.  I need to not put off things.  I was worried about money and was going to try to find something at Target that was similar to something on the registry, but all of a sudden it was today and i was without a gift.  So i ended up getting there 90min late.  I only stayed an hour because there were only two other girls i knew, so i left when they did.  I'm not good with people, be it large crowds or a roomful of women.

Yesterday we did snag some good deals though.  If you aren't familiar with CVS, they sometimes have deals where you get cash back on your store card for future purchases.  These are called Extra Care Bucks (ECB).  So bear with me as i be weird and post my purchases.  There is a point.  Oh and check out how long the receipt was!

$1.00 Hershey's Cookies 'N' Cream
$2.99 Aussie spray gel
$7.99 Schick Quattro
$2.99 Colgate Total Advance
$6.99 L'oreal lipgloss
$3.79 Sally Hansen Max Growth nail polish
$3.79 Sally Hansen Max Growth nail polish
$3.99 5hr Extra (energy) shot 2pk
$5.99 Covergirl Smoother 
$1.49 Gatorade 20oz
$0.05 Bottle Deposit
$1.49 Gatorade 20oz
$0.05 Bottle Deposit
$1.49 Gatorade 20oz
$0.05 Bottle Deposit
-1.00 coupon
-1.50 coupon
-2.00 coupon
-3.00 coupon

36.64 Subtotal
  2.99 Tax
39.63 Total

After subtracting the $32.22 in ECB's, the total spending was $7.41.  But wait, that's not all!  I'm taking back the Covergirl thing because Nathaniel got the wrong one (it was the pressed powder that had a deal and it's not something i'd use unless free) and one of the nail polishes (they are close in color to each other and i have plenty), because i had told him it was limit two, but i see from the receipt they only gave us ECB's for one.  So after i do that (and get back $10.54 including tax), the grand total will be $-3.13.  Yup, they paid us three bucks to take all that stuff!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obligatory Thanksgiving Post

Well, i'm going to be totally cliche and do a thanksgiving post, because i have much to be thankful for.  I hate to sound cheesy, but i can't help it if it's true.  I first must state that i give thanks to God for everything, and i'm not just "thankful" in general.  There is someone to give thanks to, and that is the great Provider.  That being said, i'm of course thankful for my salvation, air to breathe, but that's a given.

I thank God for my husband.  He is wonderful, so caring, and my very best friend.  There are not enough words to describe how much i love Him.  I praise God every day for putting this man into my life.  On Sunday our pastor did a thanksgiving sermon, and saved some time for people to come up and say what they are thankful for.  My DH goes up and say "Proverb 18:22 says 'he who finds a wife finds a good thing.'"  Squee!

I thank God for rain. Tuesday night and Wednesday morning it was pouring. First i noticed of it was a loud, long rumble of thunder. I was utterly confused because even though i have forecasts for Long Beach and Westminster on my iGoogle page, i never pay attention to the weather, so i didn't know it was going to rain. I was so excited and wanted to run outside barefoot. My brain and husband thought otherwise, so instead i just sat on the bunkcouch and watched the rain. The next day i was so glad i had a lot to do at the payroll computer because there is a huge window behind it, which set a beautiful backdrop. Weird thing is, i went to the other computer for a second, and when i turned around again it had completely stopped! It was just pouring. Upon closer observation, it was still drizzling, but that slowly tapered off as the sun came out. Then, not too long after that, a guy in shades and Rainbows walks up the alley (i face a side of a Marriot Courtyard, which often lends me interesting stories about people in the alley or balconies), places down a beach chair, pulls out a newspaper, and starts reading. It was like a Snickers or Coke commercial of some sort. Here is this dude, in the middle of a business district in the fall, looking like he's ready for some surf & sun. I guess i'm thankful for that too, because he was there a while and gave us a good laugh.

I thank God for holiday milk. Target has a new line of seasonal flavored milk under their Market Pantry brand. So far i've only had mint chocolate, but there is also Pumpkin Spice and Candy Cane. We are going to pick up the Pumpkin Spice today because Nathaniel doesn't like pumpkin, so we'll take it to a place where there are more people to try it (i can't drink a quart of milk on my own. We'll be trying out the Candy Cane one while we decorate. Nathaniel is weary and not sure if he would like it, nor am i. I like candy canes/peppermint flavor to an extent, but it has to be in the right way. There was a candy cane cake that was really pushing it. It's usually better with chocolate (like peppermint bark or Christmas Oreos....which i do have) I guess we could make shakes if it doesn't turn out too well. Guess we'll find out Saturday. Speaking of shakes, the mint chocolate milk SUPERB mixed with mint chip ice cream and mint chocolate Bailey's. MmmmmmMM!

I thank God for freedom. We were watching 24 last night. I know it's just a show, but it's not fantasy. Things are really bad around the world and we may complain about our government and systems from time to time, but it's humbling to remember that it could be worse, and the amazing grace that God has bestowed upon us. And then with the recent attacks in India...what a better time than ever to consider supporting a native missionary through Gospel for Asia. The founder, KP, says India's poverty is probably largely due to their false religions, and that America has been blessed because of the beliefs she was founded on. Something to think about. They offer a free book, Revolution in World Missions, that is gripping, powerful, and convicting. Yes, times are hard and it doesn't make sense for the economy to send money out of the country, but if you are Christian, then remember the Kingdom to which your loyalties lie.

I thank God for potatoes. I love, love love 'em! In any way, shape, or form! Mashed potatoes is a thanksgiving staple, and i hope that Nathaniel's 'rents will have some. If not, i'm sure mine will. Yeah, we're house-hopping today. The Watkins always have a thanksgiving lunch, while the Groves have the traditional dinner. Makes it easy on us, but i hope we remember to wear something loose so there is enough room for all that food!

I could write a book (encyclopedia?) on what i'm thankful for, but that's all for this year! Maybe Google will make it next year. They didn't this year because i closed my Reader with a few hundred read items and the next time i opened it, there weren't any! I went to start checking some that i definitely wanted to read, but the
"keep unread" box was gone. I googled (ironic?) the problem, and it seems that happens when you click "mark all as read." I didn't though. I couldn't even find a button that does that to everything, just per feed. I'm kind of upset, because that helped me keep track of what i hadn't read on New Reformation yet. Ah well, i think i've found most of the posts from all my posts that i wanted to come back and read. I should start relying on stars and labels more.

Now go eat some yummy food and snag great deals (Black "Friday" actually starts today and runs through Sunday for many places).  Treasure God's blessing and remember the original thanksgiving feast (they were running so low on food because the colony was originally communist).  Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Me Encanta...

  • The way my husband makes Turkey sandwiches
  • Extra tomato from sandwich as a snack
  • Chevron around corner from house: $2.05/gal (Arco i pass on way home is $1.99, but it's all about Chevron and Shell for me)
  • Credit score up to 683 ^__^
  • Only one more day of work until a four day weekend & turkey, POTATOES, and pumpkin!

Secret Sale 1 of 3

I got an email from Shutterfly and it told me to pass it on, so i thought, "sure, why not?" It’s good for 3 days only Order by November 27, 2008. Enter code SECRET1 in your shopping cart for a FREE 16x20 collage poster (a $20 value) on orders of $50 or more. I'm not even getting paid to say that. -__-

* Qualifying orders do not include any prepaid or membership plans, gift certificates, film mailer bundles or orders place for in-store pickup. Discounts, promotions or awards cannot be applied to purchases made from Shutterfly Pro galleries. Shipping and handling charges will apply to the order.

While i'm at it, i'll take this time to say that if you sign up for SMS alerts from, they'll text you a code for a free movie rental on Mondays, which is only good for Monday. After that, it's their standard charge of $1/day. Also, new members get a free rental. Nathaniel didn't even know this when he signed up. $1.08 lost -_- Teehee. So what are you watiting for? Oh, too busy with free shows and movies on

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Here is the first installment of my new Fulfilled! series. Stores everywhere are decked out for the holidays, so this seems a relevant place to start. Do keep in mind this is an experiment and i'm not trying to uncover new truths or anything. We no longer have obligation to follow any feasts as we are made righteous by Christ's blood. With that, we have the freedom to celebrate as we choose (following that it's good).

To start, I took the definition/meaning of Hanukkah from and updated some BC words. So many things in the New Testament has an Old Testament shadow, so I amThe word Hanukkah means rededication. It commemorates our particular salvation (as opposed to the rededication of the Temple after desecration by outside forces). I don't mean it in the sense that we run down an aisle and give our lives to Jesus again, but celebrating in a more obvious way than an average day of the year. Of course we should be praising God for this fact daily, but it doesn't hurt to have a special day (or week) to remember this, especially if you "forget" easily, as sin causes us to. It reaffirms the presence of grace in the continuing struggle to live Christian lives in a culture hostile to God's commandments. When we dedicate ourselves, through faith and action, to the pursuit of high religious and human ideals, Christianity is strong. That imperative, to strengthen our faith and brothers, remains an important challenge at this season, in every generation. This is an important point...what a gem this is, and oh so relevant. This is what we need more of: a dedication of faith and action. We need to keep daily in the Word and part of a local ekklesia to strengthen our faith. We need to dedicate ourselves to finding ways to act out that faith through one-anothering and service. We need to aim high, because in our sin we shall constantly fail. Christianity will retain a strong presence and grow if we work and pray hard to keep our faith and brethren strong. This is challenging in a season of extreme materialism and increased faux-Christians. This is true year after year and shall remain true until Christ returns.

Hanukkah is known as the Festival of Lights and the story of the oil that lasted for 8 days (how long it took the high priest to make some more) is famous, but I found that the sites I looked at prefers to emphasize how they got to the point where they only had one day's worth of oil left, and just throws the miracle of the longevity as a side note. Of course I realize that these sites tend to be more liberal and a bit new agey because an Orthodox Jew isn't going to really care about making a website to tell others about their religion.  The focus is instead put on the fact that so many Jews were being Hellenized under Syrian rule. The ruler tried to force them to bow down to idols and sacrifice pigs (read: NOT kosher). The Jews rebelled and won against odds in classic fashion. It's tooted as a triumph over assimilation even though it is the most assimilated holiday, with the Hanukkah bush, exchange of presents, Hanukkah lights. Irony at its best.

The thing that sets Christianity apart of Judaism is grace. We have grace and don't have codes to follow, so to celebrate in a secular way is not a sin in and of itself, just easy to commit idolatry (eg materialism, gluttony, etc.) But because of this grace, we can incorporate Hanukkah into our Christian celebrations as a way to celebrate the whole story of salvation. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus (coming of the Messiah) but leaves you hanging until Spring as to what that means. We can celebrate the grace that God has given us in giving us his Son to be the propitiator of our sins and the graces to grow in and live out that faith He has granted us. It is only by God's grace that we can rebel against assimilation (of doctrine) and remember the true Light.

I'm glad that visibly the menorah seems to be central to Hanukkah. That makes it easier to transition to what it means to a Christian. In the Temple, there were 7 lampstands (menorahs -although the kind used in the temple only had 7 branches, as opposed to the 8/9 of Hanukkah). The lampstands, showbread, incense...everything in the Temple (and the Temple itself) were but shadows of things to come. The fulfillment of the menorah is threefold.
  1. Revelation 1:12-20 indicates local churches are represented by golden lampstands
  2. Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12)
  3. Christians are to be a light to the world (Matthew 5:14-16)
Whoever follows Jesus Christ will have the light of life, and thus shall be a light to the world.  We have to remember this time and always to stand firm in the faith, sharing the gospel whenever possible, and living, by God's grace, to be Christlike.  It's a miracle that God enabled one day's worth of oil to burn for 8 nights, but oh the miracle of bringing men dead in their sins to life and to be a light to the rest of the dead, dark world.  This Christmas season, let's not forget these important facts and mercies.  We deserve death and God not only gives us life, but uses us to strengthen our brothers and share Light with the world.

For more information, please visit Got Questions?org (Christians on Hanukkah) and (info on Hanukkah and other Jewish holidays).

Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Layout!

Even though i love bright colors (or none at all), I've really been liking green and brown lately, plus i've been wanting a third column. I tried to add one to my old layout, but it wouldn't cooperate and looked all sorts of silly. This one is very plain, but it leaves me freedom to post more colorful pictures and such. I just felt like a change. :)

Hope you all are staying safe. Pray for those being evacuated from their homes, and that the Christians will remember that all our treasures are in Heaven anyway. I am really connected to my things and i just wonder what i would grab in an emergency. A friend told me her friend just grabbed the Bibles, the dog, and the kids, threw them all in the car and left. Someone else started packing as soon as there was a warning in case they do have to evacuate. I think I would be the latter, but the former didn't miss anything important. Even those of you not in the path, i hope you aren't suffering from the smoke. Remember to keep those windows shut, because carbon monoxide is dangerous even if you don't notice!

I just got back from a bachelorette party to find men's discipleship still going on. >.< So i'm locked in the bedroom. -__- Not that i mind though; i would only have a problem with it if my computer were in the living room. ^__^

Friday, November 14, 2008

Me Encanta...

Albertson's mix & match sale!

6 Cup O' Noodles
2 Ragu Sauce packets
2 Pillsbury Cookie Dough
Country Crock
3 Chicken Helpers
4 Hamburger Helpers
2 Progresso soups
5 Lipton Rice
2 boxes of pasta

Total: $38.12
Preferred savings: $30.50

Then for buying enough of the featured items, we got $15 in store credit. So we essentially got all that for $23.12. Now that's what i'm talking about!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Me Encanta...

New feature: i will try to post whenever i think of something that brings a smile to my face. The general goal is one a day. It shall be something small, no in-depth article or anything, but the simple things in life. I want to hear what gives YOU happies.

...the dark/light swirls that appear when cream is poured into a cup of tea.

...the lack of traffic on holidays (the bright side of having to work).


Sunday, November 9, 2008


::shuffles out sheepishly and waves::

Guess i have neglected writing yet again. It's no surprise. I would be even longer had i chose to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. We are now nine days into the month and i haven't written anything yet, so maybe next year. That is my life motto: maybe next ____(fill in the blank).

However, i am embarking on a new project that i hope to stick with through it's completion. Fortunately, due to it's nature, i have an entire year to finish it. The past couple years i have been trying to figure out holidays and why we celebrate them. It's no doubt that it's mainly attributed to culture and tradition. I grew up loving Christmas decorations and as i got older, i was the only to put up the lights and any yard display. We all would participate in decorating the tree. Well, actually, it would depend on how my mom was feeling that year. Kids don't produce very high quality trees, do they? Throwing handfuls of tinsel on and bunching ornaments together. One year she told us we could only put on our "silly" (handmade and my Little Mermaid ones i punched out of a magazine or something) ornaments in the back. Another year, if i remember correctly, we had two trees. One traditional pine with all (and i mean ALL) the trimmings, and then a small silver one with all new ornaments that played music. But i digress. We didn't celebrate Halloween when i was a kid, but instead went to harvest festivals. Puh-leez, who there is really celebrating God's gift of vegetation or what? It's just a Halloween fair in a church parking lot, but it satisfies people. Is satisfaction enough? Then there's Easter eggs and stuff. I loved decorating eggs and celebrated Jesus' resurrection, not any fertility goddess. My parents never had us believe in Santa or the Easter bunny.

  1. I don't have it figured out fully about Christmas, but to just evaluate carefully any activity or symbol i endorse. I decided to stop being sore (for the most part) about stores that start putting up their holiday stock in October. Also about people that leave their lights up all year long. Who says it has anything to do with Christmas? They should even turn them on, because it looks nice. We have some deer on our balcony that my mom didn't want any more. I wanted something for our balcony because it looks to empty otherwise. Until i find a lifesize Iron Man, this will suffice. Also, i try to call Christmas "Arrival of the Messiah" but am passively looking for a shorter name.  I feel that by calling it a different name, we are bringing emphasis to the fact that we still know the reason for the season.  I mean, Christ Mass?  We need something more fitting.
  2. Like how we call Easter Ressurection Sunday.  I haven't decorated eggs in a while only but i haven't had the opportunity either, so i haven't evaluated that.  A few years ago i went to a sunrise service, and i do want to do that every year.  Stuff just keeps happening.  Maybe now being married it will be easier (two people trying to wake up on time).  The one thing i have thought about for Easter is how sad that even in churches (as i don't expect secular society to recognize this) is how overlooked Good Friday is and how Easter seems to get second billing to Christmas.  Anyone can be born, but only Christ died for our sins and rose again.  These holidays need a lot more attention in the Protestant realm.
  3. I celebrate Reformation day just as one would celebrate Halloween.  Why?  The Roman Catholic church dressed up their lies as truth.  We wear costumes and does anyone really believe we are who we are masquerading as?  This shows the foolishness of the church pre-Reformation on the day before the Catholic All Saints' Day.  Then you may ask what's with all the decorations?  It's just my personality...i like the color black and skulls and a lot of that stuff all year round; as i do wearing costumes.  With this holiday, i don't care to convice others because it's not in the Bible.  Neither is Christmas and Easter, but the concepts behind them are, so i will try to convince, but if someone wants to take a Puritan stance, then that's fine as long as they have good reasoning.  I almost became a Christian scrooge, which didn't seem right, so i went through multiple reevalutions with the holiday formerly know as Christmas.
  4. I can't stand Valentine's Day but my husband likes it.  Looks like i'll be needing to figure this one out in the next few months.
So my new project?  To assess Jewish holidays and see if i can commandeer them as the Catholic church commandeered Pagan holidays.  Why?  Christianity is Judaism, fulfilled, right?  I want the holidays to be fulfilled as well.  "But Becky, fulfillment means we don't have to observe these Holy Days anymore."  We don't HAVE to, but i want to, as an American whose culture is so party-centered.  I'm only posting this in case anyone wants to join in, but not trying to push it as a new requirement!  We have so many holidays in this country.  If we have two holidays to remember the veterans, then i want even more to remember what God has done for us.  "But Becky, you should be doing that all year long."  So why not specific days to help you in case you slipped or a day to refresh you if you were getting dry?  We have church every week because it's so easy to slip in just a week. So i thought, why not add more days and reasons to celebrate? I just can't stand inconsitancy, so any reason i can think of against this would throw out any other holiday as well. Plus, just as the holidays with pagan roots retained the practices, i intend to retain the feasts. I'm not really a "live to eat" person, but i do love food, especially right now since i'm hungry.

So now i'm going to grab some leftover pizza and head off to church. Stay tuned for the first installment - Hannukah: Fulfilled!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Old Google

Google has put out a fun search engine in honor of their 10th bday. It's the 2001 version, the oldest they could put up.

2001 Google!

See if it brings back memories in the simplicity of the results. Explore the difference in certain searches. For example, a search of World Trade Center brings up no mention of 9/11 or Ground Zero. Sarah Palin is nobody. McCain or Obama? Senator pages. Mary-Kate and Ashley brings up a lot more merchandise where searching them today produces fansites from people who can't let go. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" and "horcruxes" each bring up zero results. Compare that with the 4,770,000 and 1,990 results (respectively) today. What else can you come up with? The possibilities are endless in this world before myspace, facebook, youtube, iPod, Gmail, lolcats, and Segway personal transporters.

I also like that on many sites you can look at the old version of sites that are still around. advertises The Matrix Revisted, available on DVD and VHS. A search of VHS brings up an article on D-VHS. Aw, they try so hard! Looking at the old Blogger website made me remember my old username. I think. It had me sign in and then connect with my Google Account. Nothing changed though. Maybe i only signed up and never set up a blog! Have fun.

Monday, October 6, 2008

An American Carol

This weekend me and my husband saw An American Carol. We were going to see Indiana Jones but this is a rare movie in a liberal Hollywood. It is seldom that the political-right has a chance to get their views to the big screen, and he wanted to support that. I hadn't even heard of it before Friday, but when i looked it up, i was excited once i read it was directed by the same guy that did Airplane! and the Naked Gun series. Upon reading the synopsis, i understood the title. It's like the Dickens' classic meets the 4th of July with Michael "Mallone" as Scrooge. I don't think there is any question as to why it's released now in October instead of a few months ago in June or July.

Overall, I thought the movie was a bit far-right, but as exemplified in many scenes, there are times when extreme measures are called for. I would say that the main focus of the movie is that war is necessary and that peace doesn't solve anything. We are stuck in the 60's because the professors indoctrinating new generations are hippies set on passing on their ideals to sheltered kids looking for a way to rebel against their conservative parents paying for their education. I liked how obvious it was that the protagonist was missing so much. They show him in Cuba, raving about the healthcare system there and doesn't see the corruption and very undesirable methods present. There were many potshots taken at him, the ACLU (my favorite scene), and liberals in general.

What bugged me was the large percentage of white people in the movie. The movie starts out with a block party picnic, which is already unrealistic to me, but it doesn't say what state it is set in, maybe somewhere in the midwest where this stuff still happens. So that could explain why every person at the picnic was white, except for one black lady, who got hit with a frisbee. That really struck me as odd that the one non-white person was the one hit. What are they trying to say there. The only other time where you see a lot of (American) non-white people is when they are in an alternate present, a "what if Lincoln was a pacifist?" and Michael Malone had a bunch of slaves. If they want an accurate portrayel of America, then they need more African-Americans, Asians, hispanics, etc. Also not have country music as the favorite of patriots. A lot of people dislike country music, not just democrats. I guess it fits best, but it had too prominent of a role. Well, i guess it could've been worse. This all coming from a white conservative that likes country music. ^__^ Also, I can't stand it when people try to be humorous by making kids be potty-mouths. That is just me though, and it's nothing like Will Ferrel's Landlord video.

The movie did leave me with a weird feeling though, because it portrayed Americans in such a way that sadly enough, seems to be true. Yes, we are a fortunate and blessed country with an abundance of wealth and freedom (collectively; i'm not saying every American is) but that doesn't make us the best. It radiated off this feeling of "we are better than them." It all felt a little over the top, but I suppose you have to exaggerate to catch attention. Patriotism is pride for your country, but not to the point where we diminish others. We should be helping out the other countries, but not so much with our government force (charity is not the government's job) but private organizations. I've been really moved recently by reading Revolutionizing World Missions by Dr. K.P. Yohannan, the founder of Gospel for Asia. He stated that physical means will never end poverty, only the power of the Gospel. Those who aren't Christians may not want to admit it, but our country was founded on Christian values, and that is why we are so strong today. The morals behind our laws were influenced by biblical morals. So yes, pride for our country should be present but we should help the others through missions and private charity groups and government when necessary. A movie can't cover everything though, and one mustn't get confused and think it's a Christian movie. Saying "God bless ___" and the presence of the Ten Commandments in a courtroom is the extent of Christianity present in the film. Except for video propoganda presented by Rosie O'Connell, but you'll need to watch to see that for yourself.

In conclusion, I enjoyed the movie and had quite a few laughs. Again, my favorite part is the ACLU lawyers scene. My least favorite part was the audience. It bugs me when people clap at the end of movies (or at the beginning of movies like in the opening credits of The Dark Knight when Ledger's name came up) but it irks like none other when people clap, hoot, and holler during a movie. Who knew a room full of old people could be so rowdy? Oh yeah, it was dark (naturally), but i'm pretty sure 90% of the people there were white and over 55. I told Nathaniel he was probably the youngest and darkest person in the room.

Bottom line: Go see it, no matter whether you are red, blue, or purple. Especially if you like Michael Moore. Or Leslie Nielson. Or JFK.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Guest Post by Mr. Stupid Sheep

An American Carol
An American Carol

If there's ever a time when I think it would be imperative to go to a movie on it's opening night, it would be tonight. This movie (An American Carol) is the first big step by the conservative people in the People's Republic of Hollywood, who are hiding in the closet (because they could be blacklisted if they are discovered to not be communists like the rest of em), and if we don't support it, then other conservatives in Hollywood will be afraid to come out. It needs a big opening weekend, or else...

So I think y'all should go see it this weekend. I know we will, Lord willing.

Interjection by Becky: Plus it's directed by the same guy that did Airplane! and Naked Gun so it sounds like a good time.

On another note, there's gonna be a Sara Palin rally tomorrow (Oct. 4) at the Home Depot Center, starting at 2pm. I emailed got this reply about the rally. If you want to go, you need to email them by 5pm TODAY. [SEE UPDATE BELOW]

Thank you for your support of Senator McCain and Governor Palin. If
you are inquiring about tickets to the Saturday, October 4 rally with
Governor Palin in Carson, please allow for 12 hours as our server has
been overwhelmed with a high volume of responses. You will be
receiving an email confirmation of your request that you can present
at the gate and will grant your admission to the event. We look
forward to seeing you on Saturday!

5:00 p.m. ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd.

To guarantee tickets, we highly encourage you to visit your local
McCain-Palin Victory Headquarters which can be found at:

Thank you,

California McCain-Palin 2008 Team

We'll be attending so let us know if you want to join us.

Solely by His grace,
Nathaniel D.R. Watkins

UPDATE: I got an email with 5 general admission tickets (to the rally), plus I know someone who said he'd give me 5 tickets. So 8 fortunate souls can join us. Please let me know if you want in.

Friday, September 26, 2008


So I was looking my Google analytics reports and saw some interesting stuff in the keywords. Last year I wrote a "review" of a book on Halloween I read. This year, it's bringing readers. Okay, maybe not readers, as all but one spent 0 seconds on the site. And the last? 4 minutes. I'm impressed, considering what they were looking for.

4. christian halloween john piper (this one was not a new visitor)
6. halloween laboratory
7. john piper halloween
8. john piper on halloween
10. outline for "all saint's day" worship service (this visitor also visited another article on my blog and i'm highly curious which one)

Well, that's all for now.

Except...QotD: would you still have a job if economic policy went your way? I'm not sure i would. Without income taxes and with less government involvement, payroll would be much easier to process. So less people would need to outsource for that and more people would be able to do it, making fees less and competition higher. My boss, a tax preparer and financial advisor, would always have business though, because people would always be investing. The stock market would be a little crazy at first though...good or bad? I don't know. Let me hear your opinions!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First Post as Mrs. Watkins

Althought legally my last name is still Grove. >.< I'm so anxious for the marriage certificate to get here.

Thanks to everyone who came to my wedding and we missed those of you who didn't. We are having a Costume Reformation Housewarming party next month though, so please email (wedding[at]becksterslaboratory[dot]com) me if you are interested. It will be a fun time off BBQ, costumes, chillaxing, and who knows what else. Also, if you took pics at the wedding, please email them to us or send us a link to where you uploaded them. Everything happened in a blur so i would appreciate being able to see it from a slow, third-party perspective!

The honeymoon was great and i'll be blogging on that when i can. I also need to update the website to it's permanent state and there are a LOT of thanks i need to add. Before that, i have to finish unpacking boxes, unpack the suitcases, put away the gifts, and decorate. Which makes it really aggravating to go to work. Maybe we'll be up to the task Saturday. Nathaniel's job asked him to work Saturday in order for them to give him ours tomorrow and Friday. He's telling them no because we need that day too much, which will still probably not even be enough. I don't want to be living like this for much longer. Our apartment is much too cute to be such a mess.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


If the world doesn't get sucked into a Swiss blackhole and end today, then the above reveals how many days are left until my marriage to my dear little buttercup.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Two in One Day - Go Me!

So i was looking for Filipino catering places for the reception and ran across this:

This one still tops all:

Then 13 Going on 30 and THEN Michael Jackson's original. Yeah.

Election '08

Move over Palin, Clinton, Rice; there's a new player in town. Veep? Bella, but of course! (click for campaign commercial)

HT: Frank

Just ONE WEEK until my wedding. Heck yes i'm excited.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Attention Reformed Media Peeps!

The White Horse Inn has a job opening.
The purpose of the Director of Media Strategy for White Horse Inn is to conceive, develop, and manage the delivery systems of White Horse Inn and Modern Reformation content. This is a full-time, on-site position.


Conceive and Develop Delivery Systems
Envision and manage the creation of a new White Horse Inn website portal that effectively and clearly delivers White Horse Inn and Modern Reformation content
Create and execute a White Horse Inn strategic plan for media
Direct and oversee White Horse Inn website redesign
Generate innovative and creative new ways for spreading WHI and MR content through various and evolving media and driving listeners/readers to the White Horse Inn website
Manage Delivery Systems
Ability to manage people, budgets, and timelines for effective execution of organizational strategic goals
Ability to evaluate, plan, create, and maintain a website navigation system and website user-centric design
Remain on the cutting edge of current internet and website trends/technology

Friday, August 29, 2008

Reformed Books

This site looks pretty cool. In some ways similar to a project i have planned for the future, but still plenty different that i will pick up with again when time permits.

I haven't had a chance to look over it in depth yet, but it seems to be what a resource site should be. It's straight and to the point but still organized into categories for easy browsing. The layout is nice but not too distracting. It seems to be an easy-to-use site with a good number of books listed. It is a subministry of, who said that they have more to be added. Fifteen cool points. Have fun!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is it Fall Yet?

It's been getting colder. Fall is my favorite season. I crave of the crisp air brushing across my face. The best month is October, although September is really climbing up there ;)

I was planing on entering the Worldviews Essay contest the Trinity Foundation is putting on, but I didn't get that far in the book, and then I got really busy with wedding-planning and moving. The receive-by date is Labor Day, so really Saturday since mail isn't delivered on holidays. That's not going to happen. I still have a lot of stuff at my old place and Morgan wants her room back. I did enjoy reading the book though and will eventually go back and finish it. I think it will also come in handy years from now as a textbook.

When you need help is when you find out who your friends are. Kudos to Meaghan, Miguel, Sarah, Vaillen, and Greg for helping us out during this moving process.

Dr. Lehman delivered one of the most powerful semons I have heard in a while. The presentation was a little difficult to follow, but the content made you try. It was on prayer. Just showing examples of how prayer has worked and such. It convicted me for waiting for soemthing bad to happen because I have been blessed so much lately. It makes me want to pray more. It has always been a difficult habit to keep (for many people too, i'm sure), so it's good for a basic sermon like that to remind you of the importance and power of prayer. I'm just sad that I always forget about the prayer meeting at our church when scheduling anniversary dates. This Thursday will be one year since Nathaniel and i started "dating" (courting?). I already have something planned and am not sure if I can reschedule it. I thought they were going to start having weekly meetings on Thursdays instead of still monthly on Fridays. That would be so much better. ::shrug::

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Grove-Watkins Wedding!!

It's getting really exciting now, because our wedding is less than a month away (one day shy, but that's still less!) There is still so much to do but I think I have it all under control (famous last words?) Anyway, we were trying to limit the guest list because the reception hall capacity is so relatively small (and we can't afford food for more people than can fit in that room). It was a very hard task and we did go over (oops. what? Nathaniel has a very large family). However, we decided that since the church can sit 300, that it will be open. So if you didn't get an invite (check your inbox just in case) and aren't a random stranger passing by the blog (that would be a little creepy for us and boring for you) then please consider this an invitation to attend the ceremony. All the details can be found at the website below.

Yeah a shameless plug. I put a lot of time into that site. ^__^ You can contact us through the site or leave a message on our comment wall. YAY!

Monday, July 28, 2008

New Site

I meant to get this up by June 13th or at least July 13th, but that didn't happen. The wedding is less than 7 weeks away and i still need to get out invitations. I am proud to announce, however, that i have finished my wedding website.

Nathaniel and i also found the apartment we are going to live in. I get to move there first, in a couple weeks, while he gets to crash other guys' couches from 9/1-9/12. ^__^

Monday, July 7, 2008

Note from the Mad Scientist

I have been busy working on wedding stuff and reading some books for a study group i am in and a contest i am entering. I don't even read blogs much anymore, but i got a good laugh when FrankFusion sent me a link to a blog that were both on, pegged as moreyites. You wanna know why? I attend FCC. Oh, the horror! LOL

I am so excited. I'm going to the church (that we're getting married at) again tonight. Hopefully we can figure out for sure how many people will fit in the "reception hall." My bridal shower invites have been sent out. I'm so excited. My mom showed me them, and i saw a shopping list on the fridge, but other than that, i'm pretty much in the dark. Is it August yet?

The paper invites and evites for the actual wedding are nearly finished. Now i just need to work on the guest list. That is getting there too! Once i'm done adding, then comes the sad business of substracting because we can't afford so many people.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Repentance is a Lifestyle

This life, therefore,
is not righteousness but growth in righteousness,
not health but healing,
not being but becoming,
not rest but exercise.
We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it.
The process is not yet finished, but it is going on.
This is not the end but it is the road.
All does not yet gleam in glory but all is being purified.

--Martin Luther, “Defense and Explanation of All the Articles,” Second Article (1521).

Monday, May 26, 2008

What is Worship? Part 1b

Happy Memorial Day. It's been a while since I posted the first section. According to the date of my saved draft, I started this post on Christmas Eve. Oops; i've been busy. ^__^ Here is the number two of the nine parts to this study. in this section my sources are John Gill and John Frame. I am picking up where I left off, which was answering the question "who is the object of worship?"

Put simply, God is the object of worship. If you are worshiping someone/thing else, you are in sin and need to repent. It's as easy as that. There is a plethora of articles, audio sermons, and videos that I could point you too for more depth on the topic. So much so that I don't know where to start, so I am moving on. Worship is just too important to put things simply and leave it at that. We worship the one true God, Jehovah (YHWH - LORD). There are different aspects that one can and needs to keep in mind while worshiping. You can emphasize different parts of God's character for different approaches. One must worship with His essence in mind, which is simple, uncompounded, immutable, infinite, and eternal. Remember that He is the Lord "thy" God. In other words, He is your creator, benefactor, supporter, and preserver. According to John Gill, the name Elohim is derived from an Arabic word that signifies to worship. However, I haven't found any other sources that say that, and have only found that it is the plural of El. His citation for it does not even seem to be in English. He could be saying that because El means God, or a diving being, the very nature of which evokes worship. Which happens to be the very argument of this section. ^__^

We worship God the One, and we also worship God the three. We worship Him as the triune Godhead, three in one. Baptism is a form of worship and it is administered in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is done under God's authority and command, and to baptise into the name of a creature would be idolatrous. Prayer is another form of worship and it is, imho, one of the best displays of the triunity of God at work. Access and address is most frequently made to the Father because He has no office. Christ is our mediator to the Father, and the Spirit assists our supplications to the Father. Through prayer (not solely of course, nor that it is by any work of our own) the Father grants us, Jesus is the petition for, and the Spirit is the increase of grace and peace. Of course, we pray to Jesus or the Spirit directly as well. Acts of faith, hope, and love are also forms of worship. The Father was the object of Christ's love as man and mediator, so He is the object of love of those that believe in Him (John 14:31). As Jesus' people, we hope in Him for happiness, and have an affectionate devotion for Him. Graces from the Spirit are exercised on the Spirit; we have faith, trust, and hope that He will finish the good work.

Covenant Lordship
This part is an idea that John Frame really likes to push, and rightly so. We worship God as our covenant Lord, our prophet, priest, and king. His relation to us is lord, but it is not a mutually dependent covenant. His divinity precedes our existence. He is the one that is not only in complete control (king role) of the universe, but created it as well. We are totally dependent on Him and our worship should reflect that. His authority (prophet role) denotes his right to be obeyed. We should not question Him. His authority covers all other authorities that may be. He is above all, and therefore should take precedence and those finite authority should be in submission to Him as well. His authority covers all of life and all the ends of the earth. Just as He created the universe, there is no corner that is outside His realm. Our worship should reflect this also. Lastly, as our covenant Lord, He has a great presence (priest role). He is always with us and involved with us. This last role presupposes the previous two, and none of them are independent of the others. They are tied together so closely and are but a different perspective of God's almighty power. This one, i think, is the one that can really bring worship home for someone. How can you know that God is there with you and not worship properly? The very God who gave and sustains your life is there with you. All powerful but made Himself available for us, for our happiness and peace, for His glory. That idea alone should bring you to your knees.

To the exclusion of all others
One cannot worship God in addition to others. A person must not worship idols. This includes images of things in heaven, earth; or the sea or man-made works of gold and silver. All these things are not bad, but it can only point back to God's glory at best and is not something that should be worshiped. This also includes idols of the heart. This one is more tricky since it can often be subtle and not as obvious as worshiping a statuette. A person must also not worship creatures in the heavens or on the earth. It is sinful to worship the sun, moon, or stars. They are but mere creations and with all their radiance only reflect back a fragment of God's glory. We should not worship men, heroes, or kings/presidents, whether good or bad. Even the most virtuous, honorable person is only a sinner created in the image of God. Anyone who worships a man is missing the point. Lastly, we don't even worship angels, and especially not demons. These are celestial beings but they too were created for the purpose of worshiping God and should not be worshiped themself.

Most importantly, our worship is to be with the beautiful truth of the gospel front and center. In the garden (of Eden), Adam and Eve had a pure worship, an adulterated paradise of life and God. It was a pretty sweet deal, but, well you know the story. At any rate, pre-Fall it was a unique type of worship. Afterwards, the worship centered around sacrifices. I will get more into more detail on this in part eight of this study. Times where the word group for worship is used in the old testament is referring to the various sacrifices and detailed procedures that God instructed Israel to do. It was atonement of sins of sorts, but it didn't work since they had to continually do it. It was worship because they are displaying the knowledge that they are in need of a savior. It's a recognizing of this Supreme Being and being in total submission to Him. Christ fulfilled so many things on the cross, among which is worship. We now worship a risen Lord. Where all worship in the old testament was a shadow, a pointing forward of things to come, worship in the new testament and beyond is a fulfillment of that. Every act of worship today should point to the wonderful work of Christ. There is no worship without a true understanding and appreciation of the mercy and grace of our great God.

Stayed tune for the next discussion, where we will look into the qualifications of the worshiper. Yep, not any joe can just decide he feels like worshiping. There are some important qualities that must be present first for his worship to have any significant value, by God's grace (ooh spoiler: that is one!).

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So maybe you are wondering what sort of fun stuff has been keeping me from posting? What sort of crazy adventures does Becky go on when not playing payroll manager M-F 830-530?

A couple weeks ago I finally drew up the courage to open a box at the bottom of a stack of boxes at the front of my garage. I was afraid because I couldn't remember what was in there but I knew whatever it was, it had to be ruined. I procrastinated through another rainy season. When I saw the writing on top of the box - "FRAGILE! If anything happens to the contents of this box, I will have to kill you!!! (Have a nice day)" - my heart sunk because I realized my porcelain dolls were in there. The top layer seemed in good order (a birthday present from Nathaniel was still in its box and I would be über sad if it were messed up). As I (ok we, I halted the project until Nathaniel came over) rifled through spiders, we realized the dolls at the bottom (therefore, the biggest ones) were too moldy to even attempt to clean. So we salvaged the parts and had a bit of fun in the process.

This weekend me and the girls went dress shopping for them. They helped me pick out the fabrics for my dress. Afterwards we had lunch in Little Tokyo. Ten cool points to whoever can guess who posed first in this picture.

I meant to post more, but I am hungry and anxious to try the Lime Shrimp ramen I made. Bokurano is calling. Until next time...whenever that may be. I don't write much because I am working on the wedding website when I am on the computer with extra time.