Last week i woke up feeling sick but i knew i couldn't be pregnant (good thing, we can barely
afford ourselves right now!) so i called in to work and went to the doc (on Nathaniel's urging, not my idea). She prescribed me medicine, gave me fact sheets, and told me to go on a acid-reflux diet for two weeks. At first it didn't sound so bad, but MAN i didn't realize how necessary some foods are, and how attached to others i am. Or just how long two weeks really is.
I can't have anything acidic, caffeinated, chocolate, fatty, or greasy. Also not most dairies. That pretty much left me with rice and bread. What made it worse was that we had just done a big g
rocery shopping two days prior. With coupons in one hand, Target gift cards in the other, and a sharp eye, we packed the cart with great deals. For food that included Candy Cane holiday milk (oh, peppermint is also out), Chocolate Mint Truffle (which i just realized i didn't use a coupon for grrr) creamer, Chocolate Truffle (see a pattern?) Folgers (we're not Folgers fans, but it was on sale, so we'll give this line a try) Gourmet Selections coffee, shredded cheddar cheese, pasta sauce, chocolate (is it real chocolate, though?) cereal, and other stuff i can't (don't want to) remember.
One day last week my coworker brought doughnuts. They were surprised i didn't eat any. Hey, even though i didn't do well in school, i do stick to things. It wasn't easy with them sitting out in the open with that sweet smell wafting up at me when i walk by, but i am rather proud of myself in resisting the temptation. What was even harder was a wedding that i went to Saturday. The pre-dinner snack was coffee, lemonade, chips, and salsa. The last three of which i could tell was homemade. People kept raving about them. I only had one chip but i wonder if i could've had more. I mean, i'm pretty sure they were baked. I hated having to ask the servers what everything was, and then later picking through my food with my husband sitting next to me eating like i wanted to. Then the cake was chocolate and many people at the table got coffee
as it started cooling down. ::sigh:: Not as bad was agape feast on Sunday. We had lunch before church and weren't going to go, but i ended up staying. I was still full from lunch so i didn't even have to bother picking out what i can and cannot eat.
Speaking of lunch, i had a soup and salad (and bread-corn, even though the garlic looked soooo good) combo. I thought that would be easy, until the waitress asked me what type of dressing i wanted. Oops, can't have Ranch. I opted for the French. I didn't know what's in it, but figured it to be lower-fat than the others, all of which i know i couldn't have (or want, in the case of honey dijon). It was actually pretty good, and it was at that moment i realized i should look at the bright side of this diet: a chance to try something new. I'm not stubborn or too picky, but if i know what i like, i'm not going to try something else. Same with milk. I am somewhat lactose-intolerant and also vie for the 2%. I swear against whole, 1%, non-fat, and soy. Nathaniel thought it would be a good idea to get me Silk Very Vanilla Soymilk for my cereal, and he was right! She likes it! Hey Becky!
1 comment:
There's no WAY I'd give up coffee, either!
Thanks for your thoughts on "The Baby Itch" -- MckMama's blog is truly what's given me the itch... Guess we'll see!
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