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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obligatory Thanksgiving Post

Well, i'm going to be totally cliche and do a thanksgiving post, because i have much to be thankful for.  I hate to sound cheesy, but i can't help it if it's true.  I first must state that i give thanks to God for everything, and i'm not just "thankful" in general.  There is someone to give thanks to, and that is the great Provider.  That being said, i'm of course thankful for my salvation, air to breathe, but that's a given.

I thank God for my husband.  He is wonderful, so caring, and my very best friend.  There are not enough words to describe how much i love Him.  I praise God every day for putting this man into my life.  On Sunday our pastor did a thanksgiving sermon, and saved some time for people to come up and say what they are thankful for.  My DH goes up and say "Proverb 18:22 says 'he who finds a wife finds a good thing.'"  Squee!

I thank God for rain. Tuesday night and Wednesday morning it was pouring. First i noticed of it was a loud, long rumble of thunder. I was utterly confused because even though i have forecasts for Long Beach and Westminster on my iGoogle page, i never pay attention to the weather, so i didn't know it was going to rain. I was so excited and wanted to run outside barefoot. My brain and husband thought otherwise, so instead i just sat on the bunkcouch and watched the rain. The next day i was so glad i had a lot to do at the payroll computer because there is a huge window behind it, which set a beautiful backdrop. Weird thing is, i went to the other computer for a second, and when i turned around again it had completely stopped! It was just pouring. Upon closer observation, it was still drizzling, but that slowly tapered off as the sun came out. Then, not too long after that, a guy in shades and Rainbows walks up the alley (i face a side of a Marriot Courtyard, which often lends me interesting stories about people in the alley or balconies), places down a beach chair, pulls out a newspaper, and starts reading. It was like a Snickers or Coke commercial of some sort. Here is this dude, in the middle of a business district in the fall, looking like he's ready for some surf & sun. I guess i'm thankful for that too, because he was there a while and gave us a good laugh.

I thank God for holiday milk. Target has a new line of seasonal flavored milk under their Market Pantry brand. So far i've only had mint chocolate, but there is also Pumpkin Spice and Candy Cane. We are going to pick up the Pumpkin Spice today because Nathaniel doesn't like pumpkin, so we'll take it to a place where there are more people to try it (i can't drink a quart of milk on my own. We'll be trying out the Candy Cane one while we decorate. Nathaniel is weary and not sure if he would like it, nor am i. I like candy canes/peppermint flavor to an extent, but it has to be in the right way. There was a candy cane cake that was really pushing it. It's usually better with chocolate (like peppermint bark or Christmas Oreos....which i do have) I guess we could make shakes if it doesn't turn out too well. Guess we'll find out Saturday. Speaking of shakes, the mint chocolate milk SUPERB mixed with mint chip ice cream and mint chocolate Bailey's. MmmmmmMM!

I thank God for freedom. We were watching 24 last night. I know it's just a show, but it's not fantasy. Things are really bad around the world and we may complain about our government and systems from time to time, but it's humbling to remember that it could be worse, and the amazing grace that God has bestowed upon us. And then with the recent attacks in India...what a better time than ever to consider supporting a native missionary through Gospel for Asia. The founder, KP, says India's poverty is probably largely due to their false religions, and that America has been blessed because of the beliefs she was founded on. Something to think about. They offer a free book, Revolution in World Missions, that is gripping, powerful, and convicting. Yes, times are hard and it doesn't make sense for the economy to send money out of the country, but if you are Christian, then remember the Kingdom to which your loyalties lie.

I thank God for potatoes. I love, love love 'em! In any way, shape, or form! Mashed potatoes is a thanksgiving staple, and i hope that Nathaniel's 'rents will have some. If not, i'm sure mine will. Yeah, we're house-hopping today. The Watkins always have a thanksgiving lunch, while the Groves have the traditional dinner. Makes it easy on us, but i hope we remember to wear something loose so there is enough room for all that food!

I could write a book (encyclopedia?) on what i'm thankful for, but that's all for this year! Maybe Google will make it next year. They didn't this year because i closed my Reader with a few hundred read items and the next time i opened it, there weren't any! I went to start checking some that i definitely wanted to read, but the
"keep unread" box was gone. I googled (ironic?) the problem, and it seems that happens when you click "mark all as read." I didn't though. I couldn't even find a button that does that to everything, just per feed. I'm kind of upset, because that helped me keep track of what i hadn't read on New Reformation yet. Ah well, i think i've found most of the posts from all my posts that i wanted to come back and read. I should start relying on stars and labels more.

Now go eat some yummy food and snag great deals (Black "Friday" actually starts today and runs through Sunday for many places).  Treasure God's blessing and remember the original thanksgiving feast (they were running so low on food because the colony was originally communist).  Happy Thanksgiving!

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