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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Americans: You Are Michael Scott

On the latest episode of The Office (Spoiler Alert?), Michael was being really subordinate, immature, and completely ignoring the chain of command. You don't do that in the real world. You report to your superior, who reports to theirs, etc. I learned that firsthand once at Knott's. I was upset with my shift leader when he made me stay past when I was supposed to get off. I knew it was busy and they needed me, but I also knew I needed to study or I wasn't going to pass my midterm that night. I complained to a supervisor, who just told me to talk it through with the shift leader. >.< That's how things are to be done though. You don't go skipping levels until things are settled in the normal manner.

So while it seems cool that the White House is doing that "Open for Questions" things, it's not really anything great. People are saying that the president should be listening to what we have to say. There is a system in place for that though. Our representatives, they are supposed to represent us. Thousands of questions were submitted and millions of votes were cast for this online town hall. How many people bother to write their representatives? Go through the system if you want to be heard. It's all about people and fame. Obama is in the spotlight, representatives are nobodies until they are caught in a scandal. Plus everyone wants to see their name in lights, so to speak. Obviously the chat moderators are only going to pick questions Obama wants to answer and that will make him look good and people cheer. Anyone pay attention on Leno (When, btw, Obama made a total barackary/obamockery of the office of president, imho)? He finally asks a decent question and they cut to a commercial break so Obama can consult his advisors or PR or whoever.

Even so, I still submitted two questions and 89 votes. I'm American too, you know.

Topic: Small Business Votes: 2 Yes, 0 No
"Mr. President, one can look to China, Cuba, Vietnam, and other countries to see that socialism does not work. This country was built on small businesses & capitalism. Please stop tearing our country down with bailouts and regulations. Free markets!"

Topic: Education Votes: 1 Yes, 1 No
"Mr. President, public schools indoctrinate kids with Marxism. Too many private schools produce kids who favor Starbursts over history. Families raise kids, not the government. What are you doing to protect SANE parents' right to educate their kids?"

I have yet to watch the video.

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