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Friday, April 24, 2009

Nathaniel's New Job

Nathaniel got the job! He found out right away. He went this morning to the corporat office to do the drug testing, background check, etc. Once all that is complete, he will have training, and then be an official Community Manager! Next week he's going to start temping there and in the meantime, he's going to continue temping where he's at right now. So it all works out nicely. Except for the fact that we wil be breaking our current lease, which isn't up until August, but maybe we can work something out. Hopefully.

On top of salary, we get free rent and utilities. Medical insurance for $10/pay period. I'm not quite sure on the details of that, like if or how I would be covered. An additional $10? Full price? I have possible coverage I'm not even using at work. My boss will cover a portion. I don't have a lot of motivation to search for a plan when I have a pretty good, free one through my mom. Even though i'm not a dependent, so i really should get my own.

There's been some confusion about what the apartment is, because Nathaniel's friend used to work/live there, and said it'sa 3bdrm. His boss called it a 2 with a walk-in closet. We have it figured out that the latter is correct, but the closet has been converted into a bedroom. I don't know how that works, but I don't care. Our current place is a spacious 1bdrm with a walk-in closet and i've gotten really attached and don't want to go back to a broom closet.

We can have pets here! There is a white cat that has been following Nathaniel around at the property he's currently at. He says that he's been getting complaints from the residents about it meowing at their doors all the time. He keeps asking if he can keep it. I'm down as long as he is POSITIVE it doesn't belong to anyone. How sad would that be if we took someone else's pet. He says he is sure it's a stray/abandoned. I also want to go to the pet store and see if this one beautiful gray Lynx/Siamese cat named Kiki is still there. We were there looking at rats and didn't even know there was a cat shelter there, but there he was, staring at us with his big blue eyes and it was love at first site. We are also going to get a rat, which i'm most excited about. ;)

So i'm not sure when we are moving in, just some time next month. Once that happens, our only regular expenses would be gas and groceries. We are going to upgrade our car insurance from the state minimum, but besides that, we'll still be trying to live frugally to build up savings because we have no emergency funds or anything. Although we know that if something were to happen, the Lord will provide, and we have a spare credit card. ^__^

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