Shared Items from Blogroll

Friday, September 26, 2008


So I was looking my Google analytics reports and saw some interesting stuff in the keywords. Last year I wrote a "review" of a book on Halloween I read. This year, it's bringing readers. Okay, maybe not readers, as all but one spent 0 seconds on the site. And the last? 4 minutes. I'm impressed, considering what they were looking for.

4. christian halloween john piper (this one was not a new visitor)
6. halloween laboratory
7. john piper halloween
8. john piper on halloween
10. outline for "all saint's day" worship service (this visitor also visited another article on my blog and i'm highly curious which one)

Well, that's all for now.

Except...QotD: would you still have a job if economic policy went your way? I'm not sure i would. Without income taxes and with less government involvement, payroll would be much easier to process. So less people would need to outsource for that and more people would be able to do it, making fees less and competition higher. My boss, a tax preparer and financial advisor, would always have business though, because people would always be investing. The stock market would be a little crazy at first though...good or bad? I don't know. Let me hear your opinions!


Anonymous said...

hi rosie here!


Kit said...

Hey i wanna talk to you about the comment you left on Josh Harris' blog but wanted to do it over email for your privacy. If you don't want to email, do you have a Facebook?

Kit said...


Or myspace ( but i think i turned off messaging and don't know how to turn it back on. My gTalk is becksterslaboratory.


Anonymous said...

haha! we can talk here!=)its okay i am not from america, i doubt anyof ur friends know me.. haha i am from singapore.. so its okay i guess.

Kit said...

Well not that my friends might know you but any random people could read this by coming here the same way you did. It's a public blog. But as you wish...

I take it you were at Josh Harris' blog because you've read at least one of his books? For starters, which have you read, how old are you, and are you a Christian?

Anonymous said...

hahah oh hey! its okay rosie is not my real name too=) it was some random name.. oh

i am 20 this year=) and yupp i read all his books! so did most ppl in my cell group and church.. yupp I AM A CHRISTIAN! hahaha=)

how about you? oh i see that u jus got married!


Kit said...

And do you agree with the stuff he wrote? I do for the most part so i believe that if you like a guy you shouldn't worry about whether he is "the one" but rather watch your actions to make sure you are guarding yours and his purity. If he is your friend, watch the amount of time you spend talking to just each other. Try to make sure things are slow. Let him do the pursing. If he is, then evaluate whether he would make a good husband, not if he is "the one." Can he provide for you? Does he fear God? I think Josh gives a good list in Boy Meets Girl. But it's like Mark Driscoll said "One, I don't think there is such a thing as "The One," and two, whoever you marry, THAT's "the one."

But don't try to rush things or get carried away in your head. It's really easy to do that but one, it's the guy's job to pursue. You just worry about glorfying God in your single hood but keeping a list of godly characteristics you want in a husband someday. Trust Him to do His will.

Kit said...

Oh yeah and i'm 23, read all his books, and am a Christian. Reformed. Yeah, i just got married. He was my friend for a year before we starting going out and i didn't even like him at first!

Anonymous said...


hey thanks man! i really needed that=) sigh yea i do like this guy for about 2 years now but he likes some other..and its painful some times..

oh are u working in a church?
what school do u go too?


Anonymous said...


anyway.. thanks for caring for me=) i am really touched!

oh do u go to josh harris church?

his book is abig hit in my church and cell/. haha and it has changed lives.. has changed mine too! haha=)

even though i was a chirstian i was caught up in the rebound relationships..

but God gave me hope and he is the light tilltoday!


Kit said...

I know it can be painful, but just stay strong and guard yourself. Is it a distant like such as you think he's cute and funny or is it a deeper friendship? If he likes someone else, just put it in the Lord's hands for Him to deal with. Don't ignore the other guys around you. The one for you could be the one you least expect? Keep an eye out for a guy that would be a good leader in the home and a good father.

I don't work in a church and i don't go to school. I work full-time as a payroll manager as a tax & accounting office.

I don't go to Harris' church. He's in Maryland and i'm in California. I've been going to FCC ( for a couple years. I met my husband here at college group.

Haha his books aren't as big of a hit at my church. Although i did see them selling Stop Dating the Church in the bookstore. It was in the relationship section though, so i moved it to the church membership section. :) When i started reading I Kissed Dating Goodbye, it was when college group first started, so i had kind of an odd first impression on everybody i think, but oh well. I've met few people who agree with the book. Hehe but my husband read it when he heard i liked it. ^__^

Praise God. Always remember to lean on Him. I'm praying for you.

rachel said...

i added u on facebook.=) i am from across the world