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Monday, July 28, 2008

New Site

I meant to get this up by June 13th or at least July 13th, but that didn't happen. The wedding is less than 7 weeks away and i still need to get out invitations. I am proud to announce, however, that i have finished my wedding website.

Nathaniel and i also found the apartment we are going to live in. I get to move there first, in a couple weeks, while he gets to crash other guys' couches from 9/1-9/12. ^__^

Monday, July 7, 2008

Note from the Mad Scientist

I have been busy working on wedding stuff and reading some books for a study group i am in and a contest i am entering. I don't even read blogs much anymore, but i got a good laugh when FrankFusion sent me a link to a blog that were both on, pegged as moreyites. You wanna know why? I attend FCC. Oh, the horror! LOL

I am so excited. I'm going to the church (that we're getting married at) again tonight. Hopefully we can figure out for sure how many people will fit in the "reception hall." My bridal shower invites have been sent out. I'm so excited. My mom showed me them, and i saw a shopping list on the fridge, but other than that, i'm pretty much in the dark. Is it August yet?

The paper invites and evites for the actual wedding are nearly finished. Now i just need to work on the guest list. That is getting there too! Once i'm done adding, then comes the sad business of substracting because we can't afford so many people.