Shared Items from Blogroll

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sharing Time ^__^

I would just like to take a moment to direct your attention to the left column of my blog, to a content section entitled "Shared Items from Blogroll." These are my favorite posts from the blogs that i regularly read (list of these at left as well). There is, imho, some interesting things worth reading there. I share stuff ranging from new books, current events, hot moral topics, and more. Most recently, I added a post from Josh Harris' blog linking to an article by Al Mohler about the new movie The Golden Compass. I do think that this (and anything i share) is worth a read.

If you want to subscribe to my share feed (think of it as a reader's digest of the blogs i read) or see the posts in full, here is the link for that.

Al Mohler calls the attack via The Golden Compass new, but it seems to me that movies have slowly been desensitizing society's moral standards. Josh Harris made a good point about this in his blog. Attacks on our theology is not new, when you consider gnostic media such as The Da Vinci Code and V for Vendetta. I suppose the difference here is that is so much less subtle. The author of the book is not shy in stating his agenda, in the books and in interviews. I agree with him on one point, though, and that is wondering why Harry got so much more attention than his books. His Dark Materials (The Golden Compass is book 1 of a trilogy) is an obvious attack on Christianity as a way, while JK Rowling's Harry Potter series just uses fantasy witchcraft as a means to show the power of love. What's more, she set the epilogue the number of years after that she did to make sure that none of it suggested teen pregnancies.Note-If you haven't read The Deathly Hallows yet, don't worry, i haven't given anything away besides the fact that two people out of the entire world survived to the end. I don't think this is a movie to be ignored, but i hope people don't fight to the wrong proportions as they too often do when it comes to culture. Press on and Godspeed.

I just finished The Vile Village from A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. I am only progressing at such an excrutiatingly slow pace because i don't own the books. I borrow them from my brother and get a new one when i see him, and i am reading other things. Don't let that fool you! These books are some of the most entertaining things i have ever read. Such sadistic humor though, so while it's written at a kid's level, i'd suggest reading 'em first before giving them to your child. There really are no happy endings, as the back cover promises there won't be.

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