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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Proverbs 16:9

I wrote this April 23rd, 2005, a couple weeks after becoming a Calvinist. I was still a baby Christian, only having started going to church again six months prior. That may seem like a long time to be on milk. You're right, i was going through the Gerber stages. Here it is though, raw and exposed. Enjoy. ^__^

The heart of man plans his way,
but the LORD establishes his steps.

I want to focus on the second line, but let's talk about the first one a little bit before we get into that. The heart is a very important object in a Christian's life. Not only is it physically how we stay alive, but it is where we keep Jesus, where our feeling sprout from, etc. It is the center of our bodies, the focus of a lot of teaching. I see it as representation of all three of our parts. It is physical, emotional, and spiritual. It has connection with our mind. No, i think what we call mind is more like our spiritual heart. That's where we think. We feel with our emotional heart. It is the center of us and where God works. It's the connection between Him and us, in a way. Am i making any sense? Let me try to get more on track: in the Bible, it seems the heart is not just where we feel, but also where we think. And where we...plan! A plan is not something that is set in stone. It is set in our hearts. A plan is a scheme, a purpose, something that we mean to do. We can not say we are going to do something, and know that we definitely will. Things change. They don't always go our way, but they always go God's way. It is good to plan. We aren't supposed to just sit around and wait for God to do everything. We need to be actively working towards doing His will. We pray and use wisdom to make plans that we think are His will. We may end up being wrong, but that's okay. We just have to know when we are so that we won't be defying Him.

Webster defines establish as such:

· to order, ordain, or enact (a law, etc) permanently

· to set up (a nation, business, etc)

· to cause to be; bring about

· to set up in a business, etc

· to cause to be accepted

· to prove; demonstrate

But before we look at that word, notice that the word "steps" is used. You see - God is not only sovereign over major stuff, our final destination, but also every step that leads to that point. You can go a little further in the chapter and get to verse 33, which says, "The lot is cast into the lap, but every decision is from the LORD." He has designed our lives and the lives of others to work so perfectly together and to reach the end that he has chosen, all of which glorifies Him.

God ordains permanently the things that we do. All that we do has been decided before the beginning of time. The things God has ordered are for sure, definite. Things always go his way. He has no back-up plans or a "plan B." He doesn't need one. He is the great Designer and is in control of everything. He never has to slap his knee and say, "foiled again!" or "oh well, better luck next time." No! He is sovereign over all.

God sets up the things that we do. We all know that God isn't reaching down and moving our arms and legs Himself. What He does do is set up everything in a way that we will do exactly what He planned. He can do this directly or indirectly. He may speak to us, change our hearts, or maybe he does that to someone that we come in contact with. There are MANY ways in which God works, and we may never know all of them (He is so wonderful and complex). Just know that He is working...all the time, in everything. There is no escaping Him. Don't view that in a negative way, but in a positive one. It is sin and guilt that causes a person to feel uncomfortable at the thought. We should really feel at peace; he's always by our side, always setting up things for our good and his glory!

God brings about the things that happen. He doesn't just set the stage then sit back. This proves open theists wrong. Open theology says that God created the world, but he doesn't know what is going to happen, that he doesn't know the future, that he isn't sovereign over everything. God is omniscient, omnipotent, and actively working in our lives and the lives of others. He is ever bringing about the display of His glory.

So far we have see that God ordains something, sets it up, and brings it about. It doesn't stop there. He also sets up in things. Let's say that God wants you to go to a specific college. He sets it up and brings it about. Now what? He also has in mind what classes He wants you to take, so He sets that up as well. People tend to look over the smaller things, but they are just as important. With out all the little small things, the bigger thing would not have happened. So don't forget to thank God for everything. Remember that this life, and his grace and mercy that allow us into eternal life, is a gift. Don't take it for granted. God is constantly at work - yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He is setting and bringing about His will in His children's lives. Never think that you have anything to boast for except for the cross. EVERYTHING is a gift from the Lord. It's our job to our part. Not because God needs our help, because He doesn't, but because it's the least we can do after all that He has done for us. He doesn't want us to be lazy. We are representatives of Christ, after all.

God causes to be accepted things that happen. We can work at something, and have it not come to pass. That is God not accepting our plans. If we were actually in control of our own lives in the sense some people like to say, then would hard workers fail as much as they do? Sometimes we are working towards the wrong thing, and we get something else, because God would rather we have that. But sometimes we work towards what God wants us to have, and He lets it come to pass. He allows the devil to do things as well, and that's why bad things happen. But don't despair, for Satan can't lift so much as a pinky with out the Lord's permission (sorry - don't remember what verse this is). We can look to Job for several examples of this. Job was going about His life as usual when everything changed. Did he do anything different to cause his children to die and crops to fail? No, because we aren't in control of our own fate. It was Satan's doing, but God allowed him to do so. God set boundaries where Satan couldn't interfere. Do you really think Satan listened? I bet he wanted to do more, but God made it impossible. Things kept getting worse because God expanded the boundaries a little bit. When Job had proven himself and it was time for him to be rewarded, he wasn't just sitting in his living room when BAM! He had a new family and his business was booming again. He had to go out and work for it himself. He didn't know what was going to happen, but God did, and God made it come about. He caused to be accepted Job's plans for success just as he caused to be accepted the devil's plans for Job's demise. Nothing can happen unless God allows it.

The last definition is a bit harder and I'm not sure if it even applies. This connotation is used in a sentence such as, "the lawyer established the client's innocence." It's a showing of something to the public, setting it forward as fact. There are places that i can go with this, and make it fit, but i really don't think that this is the way this word was meant to be used in this verse. Though you can't doubt that people notice God's works in our lives, and He is glorified when we realize which prayers were significance in a change, when we notice how one little thing could have been changed and things could've turned out in a totally different way than they did. One could say that our steps can be proved to be a part of His will, or that God's glory is demonstrated through our steps.

Some of you may have problems with word studies because of all the different translations. I don't know any of the original languages of the Bible, or else i would do it that way. I used the ESV because it is a literal translation that has been hailed as one of the best modern translations. Please see their official site for more information on this specific translation. The following is the same verse repeated in a few different translations. Do with them what you will. Look at the one you use and then apply what i wrote, read them all and see if you see anything contradictory, etc. I hope that you accept this as truth and that it has better helped you understand the amazing sovereignty of God and how worthy of praise and glory He is.

In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps.

The mind of man plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.

The Message
We plan the way we want to live,
but only GOD makes us able to live it.

New Living Translation
We can make our plans,
but the LORD determines our steps.

New King James
A man's heart plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.


Anonymous said...

Great article.

Mark Main said...

When you study the original Hebrew text, it’s quite eye opening, especially the significance of the third word, יְחַשֵּׁ֣ב (ḥāšab); it is 2803 in the Strong’s Concordance, 767 in Theological Workbook of the Old Testament, and 3108 in Goodrick/Kohlenberger. It generally means to: think, think to do, to devise, to plan, make a judgment, imagine, count.
For this verse the meaning is “think to do”, to “devise”, to “plan”. But this word has what is called an imperfect” use, which means that we are to do this continually, that it’s repeated continually.
As a side note, two interesting derivates of this word are חֵשֶׁב (ḥēšeb) meaning: ingenious work; and חִשָּׁבוֹן (ḥiššābôn) meaning: device, and invention; and מַחֲשָׁבָה (maḥăšābâ) meaning: thought, device. I really like that.
The first word לֵ֣ב means heart and the second word אָ֭דָם means mankind/humankind in general.
So, we are seeking the Lord’s will for our lives and ministry; what is his answer?
He’s saying, in proverbs 16.9, with your heart first, continually (repeatedly) “think to do”, creatively and inventively “devise” and “plan” you hearts desires… and the rest of the words translate to say, “and Yahweh will direct your steps.”
So the “Lord’s will” in your lives is for you to start first with your heart’s desires, and mindfully and inventively “think to do” (mental planning for ACTION), and then boldly go forth knowing that God is going to then direct your steps so that you align with His Will.
Isn't it amazing how God is waiting for Christians to simply stir up their heart’s desires, their dreams and passions? And then He wants them to take continuous, deliberate, inventive thought toward planned action toward those dreams! And then, after being faithful to that, then “His will” will be revealed into their as he “guides each of their steps.”
Let's talk about some of the plans and steps that would be prudent for our more serious decisions, especially decisions that are difficult to change. For example ministry decision, business partnerships, buying a home, a career change, etc. And let’s not forget the enormous importance with convenient decisions that cannot or should not be changed in God’s sight; . E.g. marriage and any other covenants that you make with God.
For important matters such as these, you will still think, plan, and take actions, but the initial actions will be to seek the knowledge to make an informed decision--you'll seek advice from trusted people, especially if they have been through what you are considering. Don’t wait for God to come in a burning bush. He may, but don’t wait for it. Instead, especially for important decisions, make plans that are smart, that will provide you with Godly confirmation. For example, write down pros and cons, seek the advice and counsel of strong spirit filled believers. But these are actions. It’s much easier to steer a moving car rather than a parked one. Think, plan, and then do… act. God will direct your steps, because He says that He will right there in Proverbs 16:9; so listen to your heart, plan with your mind, and then step out in faith that God will direct your steps... think of it this way, how is God going to direct your steps if you won't take a step? And after each step, continually reconsider and modify your plans as God leads, because that's what He's also saying with the "imperfect" (continual, never ending cycle) use of the word used for planning. Hope this helps.
May God bless your steps, "exceeding abundantly beyond all that you ask or think, according to the power that works within you" Ephesians 3:20 NASB