Shared Items from Blogroll

Friday, September 26, 2008


So I was looking my Google analytics reports and saw some interesting stuff in the keywords. Last year I wrote a "review" of a book on Halloween I read. This year, it's bringing readers. Okay, maybe not readers, as all but one spent 0 seconds on the site. And the last? 4 minutes. I'm impressed, considering what they were looking for.

4. christian halloween john piper (this one was not a new visitor)
6. halloween laboratory
7. john piper halloween
8. john piper on halloween
10. outline for "all saint's day" worship service (this visitor also visited another article on my blog and i'm highly curious which one)

Well, that's all for now.

Except...QotD: would you still have a job if economic policy went your way? I'm not sure i would. Without income taxes and with less government involvement, payroll would be much easier to process. So less people would need to outsource for that and more people would be able to do it, making fees less and competition higher. My boss, a tax preparer and financial advisor, would always have business though, because people would always be investing. The stock market would be a little crazy at first though...good or bad? I don't know. Let me hear your opinions!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First Post as Mrs. Watkins

Althought legally my last name is still Grove. >.< I'm so anxious for the marriage certificate to get here.

Thanks to everyone who came to my wedding and we missed those of you who didn't. We are having a Costume Reformation Housewarming party next month though, so please email (wedding[at]becksterslaboratory[dot]com) me if you are interested. It will be a fun time off BBQ, costumes, chillaxing, and who knows what else. Also, if you took pics at the wedding, please email them to us or send us a link to where you uploaded them. Everything happened in a blur so i would appreciate being able to see it from a slow, third-party perspective!

The honeymoon was great and i'll be blogging on that when i can. I also need to update the website to it's permanent state and there are a LOT of thanks i need to add. Before that, i have to finish unpacking boxes, unpack the suitcases, put away the gifts, and decorate. Which makes it really aggravating to go to work. Maybe we'll be up to the task Saturday. Nathaniel's job asked him to work Saturday in order for them to give him ours tomorrow and Friday. He's telling them no because we need that day too much, which will still probably not even be enough. I don't want to be living like this for much longer. Our apartment is much too cute to be such a mess.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


If the world doesn't get sucked into a Swiss blackhole and end today, then the above reveals how many days are left until my marriage to my dear little buttercup.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Two in One Day - Go Me!

So i was looking for Filipino catering places for the reception and ran across this:

This one still tops all:

Then 13 Going on 30 and THEN Michael Jackson's original. Yeah.

Election '08

Move over Palin, Clinton, Rice; there's a new player in town. Veep? Bella, but of course! (click for campaign commercial)

HT: Frank

Just ONE WEEK until my wedding. Heck yes i'm excited.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Attention Reformed Media Peeps!

The White Horse Inn has a job opening.
The purpose of the Director of Media Strategy for White Horse Inn is to conceive, develop, and manage the delivery systems of White Horse Inn and Modern Reformation content. This is a full-time, on-site position.


Conceive and Develop Delivery Systems
Envision and manage the creation of a new White Horse Inn website portal that effectively and clearly delivers White Horse Inn and Modern Reformation content
Create and execute a White Horse Inn strategic plan for media
Direct and oversee White Horse Inn website redesign
Generate innovative and creative new ways for spreading WHI and MR content through various and evolving media and driving listeners/readers to the White Horse Inn website
Manage Delivery Systems
Ability to manage people, budgets, and timelines for effective execution of organizational strategic goals
Ability to evaluate, plan, create, and maintain a website navigation system and website user-centric design
Remain on the cutting edge of current internet and website trends/technology